Caring for working dogs

Caring for working dogs

Is Your Cat Feeling Under The Weather? Signs It May Need An Ultrasound

Jose Reid

If your cat's been feeling under the weather, it might be time to talk to the vet about an ultrasound. Feline medical conditions aren't always easy to diagnose. That's where animal ultrasound comes into the picture. Ultrasounds can diagnose issues that aren't visible through physical exams. Ultrasounds also allow doctors to begin treatment faster. This can help protect your cat from serious health issues like the ones described below. 


If your cat has been dealing with constipation, try some natural remedies first. There are quite a few natural ways to get your cat's bowels moving again. One of those ways is to add pureed pumpkin to your cat's meals a couple of times a day. You can also add more fibre to your cat's diet. If those methods don't work, your vet may need to perform an ultrasound. Your cat could have a bowel or intestinal blockage that needs treatment. 

Blood in Urine

If your cat has blood in its urine, it's time to see a veterinarian. Blood in the urine could be a sign that your cat has a urinary tract infection or cystitis. In either case, they'll need medical treatment. This type of health problem won't go away on its own. If the veterinarian can't identify the problem with an exam, an ultrasound might be necessary. An ultrasound can identify hidden issues inside the urinary tract. 

Foreign Object

If you think your cat has swallowed a foreign object, watch their bowel movements for a couple of days. In most cases, your cat will pass the object through their bowels eventually. If they haven't passed the object after a couple of days, you'll need to take your cat to the veterinarian. The object might have gotten lodged in their digestive tract. If that's the case, an ultrasound will locate the object. Once the object gets located, the veterinarian can devise a treatment plan for your cat. 

Loss of Appetite

If your cat has stopped eating, try changing their diet. It's not uncommon for cats to get finicky after a while. In most cases, a change of diet will help your cat get their appetite back. If that doesn't work, you need to take your cat to the veterinarian. The veterinarian may need to perform an ultrasound to identify the problem. Your cat could have an illness or digestive issue that's causing them to lose their appetite. 

Don't take chances with the health of your cat. If your cat is dealing with any of the issues described here, an ultrasound can help diagnose the problem. Reach out to a clinic that performs ultrasounds for pets to learn more.


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Caring for working dogs

We've always had a large property and our dogs are working dogs. They like to have freedom to run around and play with each other as well as helping us round up the sheep at the end of the day. We don't coddle the dogs by any means, but we do care for them deeply and want them to stay healthy. Sometimes our dogs do get into scrapes and do some silly things, like last year when my older dog ate some baited meat from a fox trap, and do need vet care. This blog has some tips on getting veterinary care for your beloved animals.